Q.1     Who can become a seller on Readindiabooks.com?

Ans.    Coaching Centers, Tutors, Authors, Publication House or Education Companies can sell their proprietary material on  www.readindiabooks .com  platform..

Q.2    What is the process to register as a Seller on www.readindiabooks .com ?

Ans.    You have to send us a  registration Request from the provided link Seller Registration Form. Once the your request is accepted with fulfilling our legal condition then u will become the seller of our portal..

Q.3    What are the charges for registering as a Seller on Readindiabooks?

Ans.    Registration and Listing your products on Readindiabooks.com is absolutely free for selling (Dpend upon case to case) . We only charge an fixed commission  after sales,  commission for each sale of  your product on Readindiabooks.com for more detail pl talk to our excutive.

Q.4    What all I can sell as a Seller on Readindiabooks?

Ans.    Only Education and related materials can be sold on Readindiabooks platform. You can list and sell eLearning products in different formats   like Online, CDs, DVDs, Pen/USB drives, Tablets etc.

Q.5    How will I receive a purchase/sales notification from Readindiabooks?

Ans.    Once an order of your product/s is placed on Readindiabooks.com, you will receive an email from Readindiabooks with the necessary user  details (Name, Email, Mobile and Postal Address) to fulfil the order. U also receive the order detail in your user id..

Q.6    Are there any order delivery timelines for the sellers?

Ans.    Yes, you have to fulfil any order of your product within 24-48 hours or portal mention time. This timeline is for products where the mode of delivery is online i.e. via  email. For tangible products (Books /CD/DVD, USB/Pen drive, Tablets) the shipment must be dispatched within 2-5 dayss, notifying the user  and  seller support team of Readindiabooks with tracking code.

Q.7    What is the process to deliver an order? How can Readindiabooks.com help me in order delivery?

Ans.    For Online Deliveries Login Credentials or Activation Code should be sent to the registered user’s email address within 24-48 hours. For   tangible products seller has to ship the product to registered user’s shipping address within 24-48 hours. We can help you with online   deliveries, please contact seller support on 7725004000.

Q.8    What is the payment cycle on Readindiabooks?

Ans.    We credit payments directly into the seller’s bank account through NEFT. After delivering the product. Depending upon the sales volume, payment cycle is decided for   respective sellers on Readindiabooks.

Q.9    What are the benefits of selling on Readindiabooks.com?

Ans.    Readindiabooks is a dedicated ecommerce platform for selling /renting of education Ebooks/ Magzine / online education course  and eLearning products. We are connected with  millions of  students across India to whom you can directly sell your products. We continuously promote ourselves and our sellers through  various channels of marketing like Social Media, TV Advs., Emails, SMSs and many more. Readindiabooks.com is a platform where you can   reach to maximum students with minimum of efforts.

Q.10    I don’t have an Online Test Platform of my own, how can I sell my Online Tests on Readindiabooks?

Ans.    We provide our online technology platform to sellers who doesn’t have their own online test platform. You use our platform to create tests,   then form a package. You can then list these packages on Readindiabooks listing platform and generate sales. For more details please  contact our seller support team on 8510090950.

Q.11    How Readindiabooks handles refund or Cancellation request?

Ans.    All the online products on Readindiabooks.com are listed as Non-Cancellable/ Non Refundable. Readindiabooks reserves all the rights in  case of to accept/reject any order cancellation or refund request. For tangible products, damaged products are replaced and resent by the  sellers to the users. For more details please go through our shipment policy.

Q.1      How do I cancel my order

 Ans.    If you wish to cancel an order, please contact our Customer Support team    

 and let us know the reason for it. our Subject Matter Experts will review the    reason for your cancellation request and try to resolve the objective if possible. If you still do not wish to continue with your order, we’ll cancel it without any further delay. Once the order is cancelled, a confirmation email will be sent to your registered email ID.


Q.2       Why did Readindiabooks.com cancel my order?

Ans:    Your order can be cancelled due to any of the below reasons:

•           Technical issues related to pricing information.

•           Non-availability of the product(s).

•           Payment problem identified by Fraud Detection Department.

Note: We may put additional checks and verifications or seek more information before accepting any order. We will contact you if all or a part of your order is cancelled or if additional information is required to accept your order.


Q.3      How will I know that my order is cancelled?

Ans:    You shall receive an automated e-mail once the order is cancelled. You can also check the Cancellation status by visiting "My order" segment under "My account" section. Usually, it takes upto 48 hours to process cancellation.


Q.4      How will I get a refund for the order I cancelled or returned?

Ans:    Once the resolution is set for refund, we will soon move ahead with the refund.  Refund will be done by the same method we received the payment in. In exceptions, we may ask you for the account details. You can opt for store credit as well and use the amount for future purchases with us.


Q.5       I've still not received the refund in my bank account. Why?

Ans:    If you have received a mail from us confirming your refund request, then rest assured that we have initiated your refund request and are following up with financial organisations for the same.Sometimes financial organizations take a longer time to process the refund request. However, if the refund hasn't happened by the date we promised, you can contact us. We will gladly help you.


Q.6      Can I ask for NEFT refund if I paid through Credit Card/Debit Card/Netbanking?

Ans:     We are sorry. In case you paid via credit card/debit card/netbanking, the amount will be refunded in the same account as you had made payment from.

